
Ice cream truck attack was 'self-defence'

TT/The Local/dl
TT/The Local/dl - [email protected]
Ice cream truck attack was 'self-defence'

A prominent Swedish businessman on trial for attacking an ice cream truck said in court on Tuesday he acted in self-defence when he cut holes in the tyres in hopes of saving himself from the truck's irritating melody.


Businessman Percy Nilsson, 71, is best known for his ownership of his local Malmö Redhawks ice-hockey team. He was reported to the police last summer by an ice cream truck driver who discovered holes in the vehicle's tyre.

In October, Nilsson admitted that he indeed was the person who used a power drill to deflate the tyre of an ice cream truck parked in near his home in Vellinge in southern Sweden.

When the ice cream truck arrived tooting its signature melody, Nilsson brandished his drill and saw to it that the truck could drive no more. The act was meant to draw attention and spark debate about what Nilsson considered to be an "outdated" practice of having trucks blaring their melodies in residential areas.

In court facing charges of vandalism, Nilsson claimed he acted in self-defence as he had been subject to harassment by the truck. He argued as well the truck had violated the town's noise ordinance.

"He was extremely frustrated and was severely suffering mentally," Nilsson's lawyer Christian Rasmusson said.

In December, the ever-entrepreneurial Nilsson applied for permission to operate a truck of his own – one that would be free from irritating melodies. Among other things, Nilsson hopes to operate a truck that will drive through Vellinge selling fruit, toys, and hearing protection.


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