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What are The Local Sweden's 'reader questions'?

The Local Sweden
The Local Sweden - [email protected]
What are The Local Sweden's 'reader questions'?
Swedish pepparkakor biscuits baked in the shape of question marks and exclamation marks. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

You may have seen 'reader question' in some of our recent reports, but who can ask a reader question and what can be asked? Here's what you need to know.


You may have seen articles titled "reader question" around the site and, as you may have guessed, they're based on questions sent in by you, The Local's readers.

We receive – and try our best to answer – a large number of such questions, and if any of them touch on a topic that is likely to affect or interest others, we may turn the answer into an article, often with "reader question" in the headline.

Who can ask a reader question and can I ask anonymously?

All readers of The Local Sweden can ask a reader question, you do not need to be a paying member. If you do find our reporting valuable however, then please consider signing up.

Answering reader questions individually is a time-consuming task made possible only by the support of our members. Therefore, the growing archive of "reader question" articles is usually only available to subscribers.

You do not need to live in Sweden to ask a reader question – we tackle many topics relevant to second-home owners, visitors to Sweden or simply people who have an interest in Sweden and its language or culture – but the question does need to relate to Sweden.

We will only turn a question into a reader question article where it has value to the broader Local community (and where we know or can find out the answer, obviously).

Sometimes a question can serve as inspiration, i.e. if you ask us "why doesn't my dog love me?", we may refer you to one of Sweden's best pet therapists – and then put together an article on pet care in Sweden.

All reader questions we publish are anonymous. We never release any details of your private correspondence with us and we will not publish a reader question where the person asking it could be identified.


What kinds of questions can be asked?

Any question can be asked, as long as it relates somehow to Sweden.

They can be about anything that's on your mind, such as this question on organic food in Sweden, and this question on pensions.

If you have a question about Swedish language or culture, we're happy to have a go at answering this too – no matter how big or small.


In brief: if you've ever wondered, feel free to ask.

If necessary, we will reach out to our contacts in the Swedish government or to trusted experts to get the answer.

If you'd like to have a question answered, drop us a line at [email protected]

You can find our previous reader questions HERE.


Join the conversation in our comments section below. Share your own views and experience and if you have a question or suggestion for our journalists then email us at [email protected].
Please keep comments civil, constructive and on topic – and make sure to read our terms of use before getting involved.

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